Invest in yourself ...

I offer a free initial chat, so that we can see if we are a good fit. Please know that it's absolutely, not just fine, but important to do this. What makes me a brilliant therapist for some makes me not right for others, and if I feel I'm not the right person to support I will let you know. I am lucky enough to supervise some amazing practitioners, so if I'm not the right person for you I might be able to recommend someone that is.

After the initial chat, sessions for individuals are 50 minutes and couples are 60 minutes. Conventionally sessions are weekly at the same time and day every week, however I have found that a much more flexible approach is often needed due to work and life commitments. I am really happy for clients to let me know what works best for them and we can organise our sessions depending on our availabilities.



Initial 15-20 minute chat: £0
Individual Counselling Sessions: £60 (inc. Walk & Talk Sessions)
Couple Counselling Sessions: £75
Parent Coaching Sessions: £110 (90 minutes)

Supervision Fees
Private Practice Coaching Fees